
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Theres Still Hope for You Yet Winnipeg

Winnipeg is going through a lot of really shitty days, and then BAM! out of nowhere theres this one really amazing day. 

Like today!  
First day of (almost) summer vacation (I'd say summer vacation but lets be honest maybe we should study for some exams before we get ahead of ourselves). 
Good coffee (and a chocolate croissant).
Sunny (what is the glowing orb in the sky?).  
Warm (er than -15).  
Dry (or was it just not above zero yet)
An awesome adventure bike ride (in circular fashion trying to determine which way the wind is really coming from).  

Wait is there really still 2 feet (at least) of snow on the ground?
I forgot, I was just having such a great day.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Milan San Remo Reenactment

After a great paris-roubaix finish by MY BOYFRIEND (Fabz) some of us crazy enough to go out for a ride did, 2013 Milan San Remo style. Hopefully today's ride will account for my yearly epic "lets get hypothermia" ride, but considering Winnipeg's predicted weather I could probably guarantee this will happen again.

Paris - Roubaix at Parlour 

Dan can hardly see


Current snow conditions in our backyard.

Some wisdom:

Friday, April 5, 2013


Just me. My bike. And the trail.
Snow go away.