Since last week wasn't reading week, I decided that it would be super fun to go out to Canmore and surprise one of my friends for no apparent reason, and maybe do some boarding/xc skiing.
So I left directly from South Carolina at 3 am. Not that I slept that much that night anyways, and didn't get to Canmore till 12 am (mountain time). I got home just after noon and then spent a couple of hours back at home re packing for my vacation out in the west. It was back to the airport at 5 for my thrid plane ride of the day to Calgs. I had coordinated with my friend Amanda Ammar (who just hours earlier won the KESKI in Gatineau, a 53 km skate ski race......YA DUDE SO STOKED), to fly in this evening because she also get back from her eastern ski tour.
Anyways, its been a super fun week chilling at the Ammar-Butler-Sometimes Groneveld household, baking, family guy marathoning, home working, and cross country skiing.
Amanda and I went skiing 3 times this week and she pretty much totally pwned me each time. However as the week went by I was feeling more recovered, and started to actually be able to keep up.
I unfourtunatly didn't get a chance to go snowboarding this week, for a lack of automobile syndrome, so DJ bootz and I had alot of bonding time :)
Skiing at the nordic center the first day :)
Deystroying walls at Mallory's new house!
Jungle Booty.
Gluten and Dairy Free Red Velvet Cupcakes!
Adventures in Costco avec les cornichons.
How hipster of you.
Big Red Puffy Marshmallows.
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